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npm install @turnkey/sdk-react


In App.tsx (or equivalent file)

import { TurnkeyProvider } from "@turnkey/sdk-react";

const turnkeyConfig = {
apiBaseUrl: "",
// prefix with NEXT_PUBLIC for NextJS
defaultOrganizationId: process.env.TURNKEY_ORGANIZATION_ID,
// your application's domain
rpId: process.env.RPID,
iframeUrl: "",
// The URL that the Turnkey SDK will send requests to for signing operations.
// This should be a backend endpoint that your application controls.
serverSignUrl: "http://localhost:3000/api"

<div className="App">
<TurnkeyProvider config={turnkeyConfig}>
// Rest of app ...


An object containing configuration settings for the Browser Client.


The root organization that requests will be made from unless otherwise specified


The base URL that API requests will be sent to (use when making requests to Turnkey's API)


The Relying Party ID used for WebAuthn flows (will default to the value returned from window.location.hostname unless otherwise specified)


The URL to send requests that need to be signed from a backend codebase by the root organization's API key if using the serverSign flow

Using Turnkey

In any React component nested under the TurnkeyProvider, you'll be able to call useTurnkey() and do the following:

import { useTurnkey } from "@turnkey/sdk-react";
const { turnkey, passkeyClient, authIframeClient } = useTurnkey();

const loginWithPasskey = async () => {
await passkeyClient?.login();

const initEmailAuth = async () => {
await turnkey?.serverSign("emailAuth", [
email: "<target user email>",
targetPublicKey: authIframeClient.iframePublicKey,
organizationId: "<target user suborg-id>",

const loginWithIframe = async (credentialBundle: string) => {
await authIframeClient?.injectCredentialBundle(credentialBundle);
await authIframeClient?.login();
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